
On May 14th 2016, Charles university will commemorate the 700 years that have passed since the birth of its founder, the Emperor and King Charles IV. The anniversary is of great cultural significance, has been included in the UNESCO list of important world anniversaries in the years 2016-17 and it is our honour to celebrate this important day in a dignified and appropriate manner. In order to do so, there is a number of activities and celebratory events being prepared. There will be a ceremonial gathering in the Great Hall of Carolinum, a specialised scientific conference, an exhibition entitled “The Second Life of Charles IV”, a reconstruction of his coronation, the publishing of representative brochures, a meeting of university presidents. Last but not least, the university will also hold a series of lectures for the general public.

There are also activities planned in co-operation with the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Prague, The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Television, Czech Radio, Prague National Gallery and the Prague Spring international music festival.  Under the terms of cooperation with Czech Television and Czech Radio there will also be a series of themed infotainment programmes produced, among which is a series of new documentary films about the life and personality of Charles IV.

In collaboration with the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Prague guided tours of the cloisters and churches of Prague New Town, founded by Charles IV, will be organised, with students of the historical sciences acting as guides for the public. The Honorary Committee is made up of significant representatives of public life, including the president of the Czech Republic.

It is my sincere wish that Charles University lives up to its name and through these celebrations succeeds in properly honouring this extraordinary anniversary of its founder. 

Prof. Tomáš Zima

Rector of the Charles University in Prague

Last change: November 26, 2015 10:08 
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